Epicenter’s Story
Seattle, WA
Epi exploits the rare opportunity to stand as a portal to the uniquely vocal and exuberant arts community of Fremont, clearly stating that this piece of the universe is different. With 128 apartments, two live work units, 38,000 sf of retail use (including a 23,000sf PCC grocery store, an ice cream shop, a coffee shop, and two restaurants) it is a neighborhood within a neighborhood.
The building invites exploration and interaction, protecting the observer with wide canopies while treating the mind to an endless variety of visual treats concocted and crafted by local artists. The trip continues inside, down the corridors and into the apartments, where it is clear, this place is of another world.
The project has been highly successful, significantly out-performing nearly all rental projects in Seattle. It was selected by National Association of Home Builders as “Project of the year” in April 2004.
“The Bumgardner Architects’ urban design for this irregular and difficult sloping site is deft and sensible, creating a visually and functionally lively 34th Street frontage that effectively extends the business district a long block to the west, and respects the scale of Fremont Avenue by placing a lower building there.”
~ John Pastier, Special, The Seattle Times
“Results have been spectacular. All told it’s been a great project. It is a strong statement about how well the development has been accepted by the community!”
~ John Marasco, Developer, Security Properties